When you are ready to buy or sell a home, you want to be sure that the individual representing you has the experience and know-how to get the job done with efficiency and for the best price.
1. Excellent Communication

The home buying and selling process is not a short or easy process. There are a lot of critical deadlines and details that could have a drastic impact on your wallet and your emotions. This is why it is SO important to work with an agent who has above-average communication skills. You want to be sure that they will keep you up to date on all transaction details and that they will thoroughly ensure you understand what is happening.
Without excellent communication, you may end up feeling like you don’t even know what is going on with the sale or purchase of your home.
2. They are Proactive, Not Reactive
The Realtor that you chose to work with should have the experience and know-how to always know what to expect next, while also always planning for the worst.
When interviewing, listen for language that demonstrates they are proactive. Language to look for would include “just in case” or “if that happens…”. They may even provide examples of scenarios they have encountered with the options or alternative solutions that were pursued. This kind of communication shows you that they will always proactively be ahead of potential concerns or problems.
3. They Listen to Their Clients
Imagine telling your mechanic that your car needs an oil change and tire rotation, but instead of completing both tasks to company standard, they rotate your tires and try to send you on your way.
You never want to work with someone who isn’t verbally communicating or demonstrating to you that they’ve heard you and they understand your needs, especially when it comes to one of life’s largest and most important investments – your home!
4. They Value Learning and Education
In the state of Pennsylvania, Realtors are required to complete continuing education to maintain their license. Beyond what is required of them, look for Realtors who are proactively attending training and other classes, either at a local level of national level. Consider browsing their online reviews, looking for specific feedback that was provided by past clients. What you want to look for is whether or not there has been any follow-up that clearly demonstrates they value their client’s feedback and are looking for those learning opportunities. You could take this a step further by directly asking your Realtor about a time they learned something of value from a past client that they later contributed to their business.
5. They Can Give You References
There is nothing more valuable to you than what past clients have to say about your Realtor! Nowadays, it is easy to find out what others have to say by looking online. Use sites like Zillow, Realtor.com, Facebook, and even Google to find agent reviews. If your Realtor has no client testimonials, you should consider working with someone else!
When you’re considering your next move and trying to decide who to work with, think of these 5 characteristics. A GREAT Realtor will demonstrate excellent communication and listening skills, if not it is likely that you will feel like you do not know or understand what is going on throughout the process of your home purchase or sale. When it comes to proactiveness, you want to work with a Realtor who continually demonstrates that they are ahead of concerns and potential deal-killers. Lastly, you want to work with a Realtor who values improving their business, both by partaking in training and learning opportunities and by receiving past client feedback.
If you end up working with an agent who is lacking in any of the 5 characteristics mentioned, speak to someone about terminating your agent relationship agreement (if you signed one) and/or continue interviewing other agents, because when you work with a GREAT Realtor, your have a GREAT real estate experience.