The weather forecast here in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for the week is looking a little more than wet. This made me wonder, “How do we protect our home from severe or rainy weather?”
Here’s a look at 6 “to-dos” that I identified as “musts” for the care and maintenance of your home to prevent storm damage.

Your Homeowners insurance policy is somewhat of a no-brainer. You want to be sure that your home is covered in case of severe damage, like water damage, or damage to your roof! What some may not think about is the exterior of your home – what’s the condition of your roof BEFORE it storms, are there any loose articles in your yard that could become hazardous if the wind picks up?

When it comes to you and your home, we have your back! Whether it’s a new roof, window replacement, or other smaller necessities, we have the resources and tools to help protect you and your home. Reach out to anyone on our team for a list of reliable and local vendors who we would recommend for the general care and maintenance of your home!
More Home Maintenance Tips for Rain & Stormy Weather!