Regardless of whether you are a buyer or seller, having confidence is key to making the “right” next move. As licensed professionals, our job is to work as an advocate for you, while alleviating the stress, work, and frustration that can come along with buying or selling your home. Before we start working together, here’s a short list of ways to build your confidence as a buyer or seller in today’s market!
1. Don’t Follow the Crowd

Property is likely going to be your biggest life purchase. As a buyer, know what your wants and needs are, along with a short list of compromises. Knowing this will help you feel confident when the times come to decide if you want to submit an offer on a home.
As a seller, not following the crowd might mean getting in touch with your realtor early on and deciding together when the right time for you will be the sell. Just because everyone else is selling “now” doesn’t mean it makes sense for you. With your realtor, map out a course of action that is right for you and your family, and have confidence in knowing you are taking the right steps to help you meet your goal(s).
2. Never Second Guess the Market
This goes very plainly for both buyers and sellers, NEVER second guess the market. Don’t hesitate to contact a licensed professional as soon as you begin thinking about buying or selling. Ask them questions about what they are seeing, hearing, and personally experiencing in the current market. Do some of your own research on your local area, and look at how homes are selling around you. The bottom line is the market is constantly changing and you don’t want to be caught waiting too long before it shifts in the opposite direction.
3. Don’t Overstretch Yourself
As a buyer, your focus should be on finding a home that is right for you and checks all your boxes. First and foremost, it’s important to know what you can afford, along with knowing your list of wants, needs, and compromises. The worst thing that any homeowner could do is overextend themselves financially on a home that might not meet all their requirements.
As a homeowner, selling your home can be stressful – from the preparation to the anticipation of offers, to closing. There is a lot that goes into it, we know! Don’t overlook what’s important to you and rely on your realtor to help guide you and alleviate the workload for you. The better that your realtor understands your needs, the easier their job will be negotiating a deal on your current home that will help you WIN on your next.

4. Work With an Expert, Not Just a Friend
Sure, as a buyer or seller, you want to be able to trust your Realtor, but you also want to make sure that they have the experience and know-how to really help you succeed. Remember, this is likely one of your biggest life decisions. You’ll want to know that your realtor has all the resources, tools, and ability to help you navigate the waters of unknown territory.
At the end of the day, working with someone who you know you can trust and who has the experience, is the first step to having confidence when thinking about buying or selling. But there are also small things that you can do to help set yourself up for a smooth and successful experience, like knowing the market and making sure to make your decision based on your own wants and needs instead of what outsiders might be doing or advising you to do.
If you are thinking about buying or selling, get in contact with Furner Realty Group today and rest assured knowing you made the right move for you and your family!